Orla Kiely kilimų kolekciją sukūrė to paties pavadinimo Didžiosios Britanijos prekės ženklas, išsiskiriantis moderniais raižiniais ir grakščiu retro stiliumi. Vizualinė prekės ženklo kalba yra neįtikėtinai draugiška ir pozityvi. Orla Kiely prekių ženklas yra grafinis stiebas su vienodais lapais. Tekstilės ekspertai jį vadina vienu iš labiausiai atpažįstamų XXI a. raštų! Dizaineriai kiekvienoje savo kolekcijoje atnaujina raštą ir suteikia stiebui vis kitokį charakterį, keičia rašto mastelį, tekstūrą ir spalvą. Sužinokite, kuris iš firminių Orla Kiely raštų dera su jūsų interjero nuotaika! Vilnonis kilimas Orla Kiely Classic Multi Stem gaminami rankomis Indijoje. Jie džiugins jus patikima kokybe, šildys ir sukurs gerą nuotaiką. Susikurkite ypatingą nuotaiką su retro Orla Kiely prisilietimu prie modernaus interjero melodijos!
Rug Orla Kiely Classic Multi Stem 059505
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Buying online is probably the most convenient and gaining momentum as a way to purchase a rug.
You can request a video, photos of the rug, a as – as well as get any other information. In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the rules of online – sales. But if you still have doubts, you can make a decision by looking at the carpet. That is why it is very important that our company has not only an online store, but also a showroom in Domus Galerija, where you can see the carpet “live”.
Everyone can afford to buy a carpet, and it all depends on the expected budget. In fact, a carpet is not considered a necessity in European culture. The house begins with a rug – that’s how it is considered in the East. There it guarantees warmth, sometimes replaces the bed and table, or is a play area for children. In Europe, the carpet is not considered something so important. But still sooner or later we come to the idea that something in the house is missing, and that it is time to buy a carpet.
You have taste and understanding of rugs, but handmade rugs are expensive? Well, if your family budget does not allow you to buy a handmade rug, it is worth paying attention to machine-made rugs.
The cost of producing machine-made rugs is not comparable to hand labor. Because of this the price is much more pleasant for the buyer. However, even here you can be deceived by unscrupulous companies. The price of machine work also depends on the material, dye. And of course – of the density of the rug.
In conclusion, I would like to say that buying a carpet machine work, so – the same should be addressed to firms – professionals.
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